big brian page edit/moveset addition
I created this bc i didn’t know wether or not randoms could just add massive edits to a random page so here it is as a blog post
(FIND THE ORIGINAL PAGE HERE: Big Brian)Big Brian is the protagonist in the clopper game "Banned from Equestria" (BfE) created by Pokehidden. He is a red pony with yellow eyes, a brown mane and tail.
Big Brian is actually a human who was sent to Equestria as a pony by the great and powerful Trixie.
- 1 Entrance
- 1.1 Back to Equestria
- 2 Special Attacks
- 2.1 Neutral B - Trixie’s Blessing
- 2.2 Side B - Back Blast
- 2.3 Up B - Child Support Abort
- 2.4 Down B - Clopper’s Counter
- 2.5 Final Smash - Banned Forever
- 3 KO Sounds
Big Brian teleports into the stage looking surprised before looking at his body and eager to spring into action. (This is a r…
So, I should mention this
But last month, I came out as a Transgender Woman, since I felt like I wasn’t comfortable with my Male side of things and after being Genderfluid for months
I finally realised that I am in fact, a woman
So, I thought to tell you guys that since I didn’t mention it when coming back to this Wiki
I have came back to claim what is left of this
The reason why I changed the backgrounds for Light Theme and Dark Theme….just to troll
also, here’s my Discord server: (only people who are 18 years old and older can join)
yes, this was a plug in for my discord server
Pk Fire
Pk Fire
Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fire Pk fir…
I wanted to make sure that the Blogs on this wiki are still up and running. I feel like no one really cares about them any more. {:
Full Gear Reckoning
May not be a Lawl series, I just wanna get more fans into the boats once I start the DLC run.
Wanted to make a blog basically saying "hey, I'm alive but very busy at the moment". So, yeah.
hey everyone, it's me Ryder, cerator of lawl Gunsmoke and this is my first blog post on here. might as well use that to say stuff i guess
first off, i can say that currently, i am having a very fun time on this wiki, adding pages, making edits,ect. i mean, MY OWN LAWL HAS A WIKI PAGE NOW which is really sweet and just seeing a part of the community i didn't think i would see. the joke articles here are also HILARIOUS (aka ones like thicc min min)
next up, special thanks to @ThanosBeatboxing06 for helping with fixing up some of my articles, you're really great help!
lastley, more so somthing related to me, but i'm currently working on Rick asltey set which should be out somtime next year.
i don't have much else to say so.... see ya around every…
Remember the first version of lawl new leaf?
Now that i think about, my first version of Lawl new leaf is really bad. Just think about! 1. I kind of copied Lawl Transformed, 2. I put Lots of my ocs, and 3., Why are you even reading this? Yeah, I didn't I have improved that much.
So, the other month I found a cool game over screen to show to the community
This time, I found one for the Cat Villagers from Animal Crossing, at Steam Community
From BlaBla
For more information, go here! ->
Cat Villagers and Squirrel Villagers Moveset Service : Help me on it!
Can y'all help me plz? I'm trying to develop a moveset for Cat Villagers and Squirrel Villagers, but don't know what to use for them.
Ask me somewhere in this fandom for your ideas, thank you! Keep these Animal Crossing characters strong for me plz
New Animal Crossing SSBL Extreme Fighters !
I am here from Teenage Games LLC to introduce you to the Cat Villagers from Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
Right now, we need someone from the Smash Bros Lawl Community to come up with their moveset, and of course, the Squirrel Villagers are here to fight too!
Remember what they say, fellas: The Fight Goes ON! On Super Smash Bros Lawl Extreme!
Cat Villagers:
- Raymond
2. Rosie
idk what to do anymore
Anyway, Cat Villagers in smash are
Raymond, Rosie, Bob, Ankha, Punchy, Tangy, Rudy, Felicity
Squirrel Villagers:
Marshal, Hazel, Filbert, Peanut, Sheldon, Pecan, Static, Nibbles
Lawl New Leaf Empty Slot
So if you want to vote for both DLC Votings, go to forum posts.
DLC votings end March of 2021.
Character ideas
- BlakeTehGreat, maddiecastano, TheRPRTNetwork and UnitedWorldMedia (DeviantArtists)
- Twelve and Eighteen (NumberBlocks)
- Teletubbies (UnAnything Wiki)
Feel free to add these!
Hey y’all.
It's that time again?
You're right, of course!
So I'm gonna make a little QNA on the Universe of Smash Bros. Lawl wiki.
Yes, I'm desparate now.
And... well... Whatever, just ask some questions and I'll respond back.
an issue that needs to be adressed
who vandalized my lawl doomsday page with some character from the ninja's new groove it's only me and xatu2hottu working on it
History of Smash Bros Lawl Uranium
- 1 Part 1: Beginnings
- 2 Part 2: Changing Names
- 3 Part 3: Smash Bros Lawl Uranium
- 4 Part 4: The Empty Slot Winners
- 5 Part 5: Replacing Pewdiepie
- 6 Part 6: Updates
- 7 Part 7: The Metal Era
- 8 Part 8: Lawl Uranium is being Replaced
It all started in December 14, 2019, where I just created my Youtube channel. I was making a Lawl Spinoff called "Smash Bros Lawl Clover". It was named after the rom hack game, Pokemon Clover. It had 8 starters: Ryeguy (Tokusatsu Fanclub), Linkara (Atop the Fourth Wall), AVGN (Cinemassacre), Hamtaro, AGK (Angry German Kid Parodies), Captain Underpants, Fuuka (Persona 3), and Fluttershy (My Little Pony). I posted my finished Ryeguy moveset. It wasn't that really good. Then, for the holidays, I worked on and posted on the Linkara moves…
Give Me Suggestions for Upcoming Lawl Transformed Empty Slot 2
Hi i'm JoshuaSmash500 Here and Here's After My Empty Slot 1 So Give Me Suggestions for Upcoming Empty Slot 2
Rules in Empty Slot:
1. No GoAnimate/Vyond Characters in Lawl Transformed.
2. No Lawl Creators if were Playable in Many Lawls.
3. If Characters Already In So if i Gonna Remake Characters or Not.
4. Do Not Vote for The ???'s Moveset.
Newcomers For SSBLF&I
I Am Happy To Annouce That Ticci Toby, Crazyrussianhacker, Pyrocynical & Beatbox Joker Is Gonna Be Fighters In My Lawl!
Let's bring this wiki back to life!
Like title says. For too long this FANDOM was silenced with only edits in betweens. We should do something
Stop changing the background!
To whoever keeps changing the background on this wiki, can you leave it alone already? IDK if you're trying to be a troll or something, but you're not only annoying me, but probably other people on this wiki too!
I'm noticing something suspicious
Ahoy, have any of you seen Gage07 edit on this wiki? Yes, Gage07 is exactly who I'm talking about, I am noticing something suspicious about him, can you guess what it is?
If you guessed his profile picture, you are correct. His profile picture may be him in real life, if it is, he shouldn't be on FANDOM because of their underage policy. We need to know if his profile picture is really him.
Gage07, if you are reading this, we require to know if the boy in your profile picture is you, don't lie.
Here's a link to Gage07's profile if you want to see his profile picture.
Why it's this wikia constantly dead?
Like in title... I just can't wrap my head around it. Once it was bustling place, now it's all silent...
An Early Christmas Gift
So...remember when I said I would remove Majoko and Chadtronic due to loss of interest?
Well, to put it simply, the interest has been regained. They will be re-added to Lawl Diamond. Also, Nana will become part of a tag team with Majoko.
However, some fighters are getting removed. Here they are, and the reasons why:
- Tepro (OC): Adding my own character to my own lawl isn't the best idea
- Plasma Grunt Tepro (OC): He was designed specifically to be Tepro's echo, so if Tepro's gone, he goes too.
- Magikarp (Pokemon): In Lawl Liquid Crystal. While I kept him since I thought I could make a non-joke moveset for him, I finally decided against it. His rival, Bidoof, will stay, however.
- Best X (Pokemon/Internet): Back when I added him, Best/Internet Sylveon …
Everyone thing that I talk stupid. I only tried to fit it. They just don't understand because the chose not to!!! All I want to be a better man like everyone else. But no! I made enemies out of everybody. They think I'm odd, or lazy, or stupid, or wierd. I'm not!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
to any servers who doesn't like me:
Who Should Join Lawlening next before the Character Wave pack 2?
haudi, just a thing i'm wondering, who would YOU all like to see in lawlening next before the next wave of characters,
Finally... It's here
After 4 months, my major announcement is here. We've got a lot to talk about, so let's start with what was promised.
- 1 Characters
- 2 New Non-Character Stages
- 3 Splitting of Eras
- 4 Items
Before we reveal the replacements, we must say farewell to 6 characters:
- TheOdd1sOut (In Lawl's Peak Academy)
- Wally (Lack of Moveset Potential)
- Katniss Everdeen (Loss of Interest)
- Young Jaiden (Not as Good of an Idea as I thought)
- Switch Dog (Bad Idea)
- Chadtronic (Loss of Interest)
- KO (Loss of Interest)
Adding the earlier removals, that's 15 fighters to replace. Luckily, 3 more fighters are moving up, just like Yarn Kirby (who is replacing PBG)! They are:
- Fez (Fezmangaka) [Diamond DLC -> Diamond] {Replacing Tanooki}
- Jacksepticeye [Pearl -> Diamond] {Replacing Chadtronic}
- Meggy …
STLCD - Roster change(s)
Hey. It's Xattu2Hottu. Sorry for lack of updates, but live has been bitch for me... But enough of me. I have small announcement to make.
I'll remove Axel because He would have some basic movement problem (for exemple he couldn't neither crouch or roll). Also Darlen is near chopping block... But I hope to find way around it.
Also, few characters will join roster.
That's all. See ya
Quill has an announcement to make.
Peter Quill: i've come to make an announcement!
Thanos the titan is a b*tch ass motherf*cker!
He yeeted my f*cking Wife!
Peter Parker: Mr. stark?
Quill: thats right!
he took his grape lookin D*CK out, and he threw my F*CKING WIFE OF A CLIFF!
and he said his Gauntlet was "the instrument for all balance."
and I said "Thats Fake!"
- Drax and Iron man are laughing their f*cking lungs out
So I'm making a callout post on my space place dot com!
Thanos, you have a SMALL D*CK!
it's like the size of this peanut except way smaller!
And guess what?
- B O O M
Thats right baby!
All point, no Fingers, no PILLOWS.
Look at this, it looks like Two balls and a GLOCK.
He f*cked my WIFE
So guess what?
That's Right!
That's what you …
Is my Smash Lawl enough?
Hey guys. I have small problem. I know that probebly nobody will anwser it, but here we go...
So I have Super Trash Lawl CD and even though I haven't released whole roster yet, I wrote all down. After some thinking I started to doubt if this whole roster would be considered even "Lawl" worthy...
So... quick question. What do you guys think of this bunch of misfits? Should I keep them or throw this whole crappy concept away:
- Axel (Twisted Metal)
- Axl Low (Guilty Gear)
- B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)
- Bling-Bling Boy (Johnny Test)
- Breadwinners (...)
- Common Cold (K.N.D.)
- Control Freak (Teen Titans)
- Darlen (Dead Rising)
- Destroyman (No More Heroes)
- Flapjack (Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
- General Zod (DC Comics)
- Gwenpool (Marvel)
- HunBot (MLM)
- Lady Legasus (Teen T…
Is this fanon still active?
Hey, is this fanon wiki still active? Only asking because except for sporadic updates on some pages there isn't happening a lot here.
Thanks for anwser
Xattu2Hottu/Demon CD
Where are my scissors?
It's been a while since my last announcement. No Lawl Pearl yet, just Lawl Diamond.
No new characters this time, but a handful of cuts.
The characters being cut are:
- PBG (To Be In Lawl Beatdown [eventually])
- Rito Link (Bad Idea)
- Waffle Ryebread (Too Obscure)
- Toon Pinky (Lost Interest)
- Goanimate Caillou (Too Cringey)
- Tanooki (Too Controversial)
- MMD Iris (Loss Of Interest)
- Bart Simpson (To Be In Lawl Nova)
Wally may also be removed, but I'm still holding on to him.
I'm still working out all of their replacements. However, I do plan to move Yarn Kirby to Lawl Diamond to be one of them, and 2 others have been confirmed, but along with Yarn Kirby, I haven't decided who'll replace who.
Can someone unblock me, please? ^^LOOK AT THIS. I WAS UNFAIRLY BLOCKED BY YOU-KNOW-WHO.^^
Hey everyone, guess what!
I blocked Keroro The Cleaner and reverted some of his vandalism. I will revert more later.
Lawl Diamond. Again.
I might have a problem since I can't stop adding characters to Lawl Diamond. However, I have removed 2 characters from both Lawl Diamond and Pearl. I've removed AlphaJay (Loss of interest+Lack of moveset potential) and Rainbow (Lack of Unique Moveset Potential). Anyways, the new characters (and their relations to pre-existing characters) are:
- Bidoof (Pokemon) {Rival to Magikarp}
- Pastoria City (Pokemon)
- Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
- Cliffs of Insanity (The Princess Bride)
- Strangled Red (Pokemon/Creepypasta) {Echo of Lost Silver}
- Lavender Town Tower (Pokemon/Creepypasta)
- Chadtronic (Chadtronic) {Replacement for AlphaJay}
- Review Table (Chadtronic)
- Sky (SkyDoesMinecraft) {Rival to Ross}
- Cops and Robbers (SkyDoesMinecraft)
- Yoshimaniac (YTP) {Replacem…
Lawl Pearl Focused Announcement (With Some Lawl Diamond)
So, I couldn't help myself, so I added 4 more characters to Lawl Diamond. Here they are, along with their stages.
- BRVR (Pokemon/Creepypasta) [Rival to Lost Silver]
- Dead Channel (Pokemon/Creepypasta)
- LaurenZSide (LaurenZSide)
- Meme Household (LaurenZSide)
- Gallade (Pokemon)
- Veilstone City (Pokemon)
- NES Link (Legend of Zelda)
- Dungeon 1 (Legend of Zelda)
Also, I've decided to move Leo & Aeris from Lawl Diamond to Lawl Pearl (more on that later). I already have them a replacement which is a character cut from fellow wiki lawl Super Lawl Bros. Brawl Omega & Alpha, which is:
- Primarina (Pokemon)
- Brooklet Hill (Pokemon)
With that part out of the way, back to Lawl Pearl.
First up, I'm removing 3 base characters and 2 DLC characters. Those characters and their rea…
Huge-ish Lawl Diamond Announcement
I had originally planned to have a small number of fighters in the 42.5 era. However, there ended up being more than I planned. With that said, here's the latest news.
First, the stages for the DLC Pack 2 characters. They are:
- Deepsea Metro (Splatoon)
- Snow Mountain Stage (Mega Man)
- Cinnabar Island (Pokemon)
- Lostlorn Forest (Pokemon)
- Tassle Town (Shantae)
- Cranky's Cabin (Donkey Kong)
- Ancient Gardens (Mario/Rabbids)
- Tazmily Village (Mother/Earthbound)
I also have 8 new characters. I may even release them as a DLC Pack, but it will depend on how I think it would work best. I also mention each character's respective stage with them. They are:
- Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
- 742 Evergreen Terrace (The Simpsons)
- Flutterbat (MLP)
- Ruined Sweet Apple Acres (MLP)
- Ballo…
Epic Lawl Battles of History
So, the first announcement, AlphaJay has a stage. It will be called Tour of the Worst. Basically, it's a traveling stage that goes between different bad episodes he's reviewed.
Now, it's time for new characters, in which I have 4 of. They are:
- ERB Darth Vader (Epic Rap Battles Of History)
- Animatronic Stitch (Stitch's Great Escape)
- Photo-Negative Mickey (Abandoned By Disney)
- Movie Detective Pikachu (Pokemon)
Now, let's introduce these characters' stages. And, good news, I have ideas for all their stages! They are:
- ERB Tatooine (Epic Rap Battles Of History)
- Stitch's Great Escape (Stitch's Great Escape)
- Mowgli's Palace (Abandoned by Disney)
- Movie Ryme City (Pokemon)
I also have a non-character stage planned for the Planned Era, which is Son of Beast (C…