Universe of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki


I have this little sister Lola[]

A couch will spawn with Charlie sitting on it and Lola jumping around and being crazy on it. Charlie says "I have this litte sister Lola."

Special Attacks[]


Neutral B - Pink Milk[]

Charlie will get out a cup of pink milk and will start to drink it. This takes a long process but the more it's held on for, the more damage is healed.

Side B - Soccer Kick[]

Charlie will kick a soccer ball which will cause damage. Like Rainbow Dash EQG Soccer Ball move, the ball can be picked up when kicked.

Up B - Encyclopedia Helecoptor[]

Charlie and Lola will get into a helecoptor and start flying around the stage laughing. This dosen't do damage but it can break sheilds and can stun opponents. This also moves the spawn point of where Charlie and Lola swap.

Down B - Yes Lola?[]

Lola will yell out "Charlie!". Charlie will go back and Lola will swap.


Neutral B - Pink Milk[]

Same as Charlie's, but with a stronger effect.

Side B - Jumping Ball[]

Lola will get on her jumping ball as seen in the intro for the show. She will go around the stage and anyone in the way will get damaged.

Up B - Charlie's Rocket[]

Lola will get into Charlie's rocket and it will fire upwards. This gives damage to anyone in the way. But when it get's to the nearest platform, it will break into a million tiny pieces. The pieces can be picked up and thrown, but they restrict you of jumping and half your speed.

Down B - But Charlie![]

Lola will say "Charlie!" in a whiney voice which will get Charlie's attention. They will switch and then you can play as Charlie.


Final Smash - Big Scary Ogre![]

A bed will spawn. Lola will get into it and Charlie will sit beside her and read a story all about ogres. Unfortunatley this will send Lola to sleep so after the smashe, you won't be able to play as her for a while. This will then spawn in a big scary ogre (not Shrek). The ogre will do one of three things.

  1. Start Crying - Each tear is worth 50% damage.
  2. Races and Chases - Start rampaging over the stage hitting anyone giving heavy damage and stun.
  3. Eggs in Boot - He will get a giant boot and try his best to get some eggs from a tree. While he tries, he will start to stumble. He will fall over and K.O one opponent and give the remaining heavy damage.



KOSFX1: "Ah!"

KOSFX2: "Mom!"

Star KOSFX: "Did you touch my rocket!?"

Screen KOSFX: "No!"




Star KOSFX: "Help me Charlie!"

Screen KOSFX: "Ah!"



Up: *giggles*

Sd: *reads an encyclopedia*

Dn: "She is small and very funny."


Up: *mumbles something*

Sd: *will blow into a cup of pink milk*

Dn: "Beetles, Bugs and Butterflys is MY book!"

Victory Options+Failure/Clap[]

Victory 1: *Charlie puts a hairclip in Lola's hair and they both laugh*

Victory 2: *Lola hugs Charlie*

Victory 3: "Say cheese Lola!" "Cheeeeeeeeeeese! *laughs*!"

Lose/Clap: *Charlie's broken arm and Lola tries to do a cartwheel* 

Classic Mode Win/Lose Pose[]

Congratulations/Game Over Pictures[]

Character Description[]

Other Attacks[]

Ground Attacks[]

Basic Attacks[]

  • AAA Combo- ???
  • Dash Attack- ???

Tilt Attacks[]

  • Side- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Side- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • N-Air - ???
  • F-Air - ???
  • B-Air - ???
  • U-Air - ???
  • D-Air - ???

Grabs, Throws[]

  • Grab- ???
  • Pummel- ???
  • Forward- ???
  • Back- ???
  • Up- ???
  • Down- ???


  • Ledge attack: ???
  • 100% ledge attack: ???
  • Front attack: ???
  • Back attack: ???
  • Trip attack: ???


Charlie and Lola logo

Victory Music[]

Charlie and Lola theme

Kirby Hat[]


Charlie's Hair


Lola's Hair

Exclusive stickers[]





Wiimote Sound[]


Classic Mode[]


Snake Codec[]


Role In SSE[]



Colors & Costumes[]


  • Insert One