Universe of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki


Upstairs Door[]

Tommy walks in through the door as he tosses his bottle and says "Oh hai Lawl."

Special Attacks[]

Neutral B - Untouchable[]

A counter move. Tommy Wiseau shouts "Don't touch me motherfucker!" while countering. In this state, all attacks done on Tommy Wiseau will do the same amount of damage to the attacker. The control stick can be used to throw the countered opponent up or down. The move also reflects projectiles.

Side B - Bottle Drop[]

Wiseau tosses a water bottle, which bounces until it meets a certain distance or hits an opponent, doing slight damage. If the bottle hits an enemy before it bounces, it does more damage. The move can be performed on the ground or in the air.

Up B - Footoss[]

Wiseau summons his buddy Mark. Before Mark tosses a football, the control stick can be pointed to make Mark toss the football in any direction. Wiseau himself launches himself through that direction, doing decent damage to people in the path. He also gets said football as a projectile. Mark can't be summoned again until the ball is thrown or dropped and after 8 seconds have passed.

Down B - Record Everything[]

Wiseau pulls out a recorder, which "records" nearby enemy attacks and turns the recordings into projectiles. In this formation, it behaves like Leonidas' down B. He can hold up to 5 recordings at a time; pressing A shoots Wiseau's oldest recording. The formation comes undone by pressing down B again or by getting hit.

Final Smash- Footux[]

Wiseau summons Mark, and both of them shift their current outfits into tuxedoes. All enemies stop during the tranformation. Mark then runs to the other side, flinching enemies in his path, and both of them proceed to toss a football back and forth, dealing constant damage to enemies. Wiseau grabs the football in his hand, and a red arrow pointing downward scrolls left and right 3 times between Wiseau and Mark. The opponent picked by the arrow receives a smashing from Wiseau, who smacks him or her with the football.


KO 1: "AAAAHHHH!!!!!"

KO 2: "WHY??!!! WHY??!!!!"

Star KO: "You're tearing me apart!" (slo-mo w/o distortion in later movesets)

Screen KO: "AAAHHH!!!!"


Down Taunt- *laughs*

Side Taunt- (flaps his arms) "Cheep cheep-cheep cheep cheep!"

Up Taunt- "How's your sex life?"

Victory/Lose Pose[]

Victory 1: (walks off with Denny) "Let's go eat, huh?"

Victory 2: Tommy: *laughs* "What a story, Mark!" Mark: "Yeah, you could say that again."

Victory 3: Say: "You're not good! Your just a chicken! CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEEEP!"

Lose: (Lying on an armchair, wailing)

Video Music[]

SSBB OST- Forest / Nature Area (Kirby & The Amazing Mirror)


The Wiseau Films "Globe" logo

Victory Theme[]

The Room theme

Character Description[]

Tommy Wiseau is a small-time actor, producer, writer and director most commonly known for his independent black comedy film, The Room. His accent still remains to be a mystery, yet he states he is from America, and moved between New Orleans and France. It is also know that he atended film school growing up, as well as attending an acting school where he would meet Greg Sestero, who would later play Mark in The Room. Speaking of which, The Room was released sometime in 2003, where it would soon be titled as "one of the worst movies of all time", along with gaining a large cult following. The movie's fame would soon be increased after the Nostalgia Critic's review of said movie. Mr. Wiseau is probably out there staring in another role for another time.

Other Attacks[]

Ground Attacks[]

Basic Attacks[]

Neutral attack- ???

Dash Attack- ???

Side Tilt- A Dozen Red Roses

Up Tilt- ???

Down Tilt- ???


Side- ???

Up- Tosses a football



Ledge attack: ???

100% ledge attack: ???

Ground attack: ???

Trip attack: ???

Grabs, Throws[]

Grab- ???

Pummel- ???

Forward- ???

Backward- ???

Up- ???

Down- ???


Neutral- ???

Forward- ???

Backward- ???

Up- ???

Down- ???

Snake Codec[]


Role In The Subspace Emissary[]

In Real City, Tommy is introduced attacking Nostalgia Critic for thrashing his movie. Once he loses, he escapes with Nostalgia Critic (and later Madotsuki, who he randomly inquires how her sex life is) from an exploding Subspace Bomb deployed in the city. At the end, he sadly reminisces of life at home with his two new allies.

In Bicycle Tracks, Tommy follows Nostalgia Critic and Madotsuki in following bicycle tracks to track down the Irate Gamer. When they reach the end of the tracks, it turns out to be a trap as Nostalgia Critic is shot by a hidden Bores and made into a False Clone. Tommy tries to attack False Critic but is stopped by an oblivious Madotsuki, who he defeats along with False Critic. Tommy revives Mado and runs to revive the real Critic, and the three face Bores both as a giant False Clone and apparently by himself, but an ally of Bores comes to help defeat them...

In Villain's Valley, this second villain is revealed to be none other than Dr. Robotnik in the Egg Walker, who laughs along with Irate Gamer ready to defeat the three heroes. Tommy regards this as "not a big deal" however and simply tosses a football at Bores' head, incapacitating him immediately and freeing AVGN for him to revive. Tommy is then seen laughing at Nostalgia Critic hurling insults at a defeated Robotnik and saying "that's life" to AVGN. This joy doesn't last for long, however, when the incident that turns Critic into "Doug" happens and leaves Tommy and the others very shocked. Nonetheless, Tommy easily stops Doug from brutally killing Robotnik and defeats him alongside Mado and AVGN, but is saddened at Critic's heel turn. In the end, Tommy is seen boarding the Egg Walker along with AVGN, Mado and Robotnik in search of Critic, before an Awesome enemy approaches...




  • Tommy Wiseau is the first character introduced to be classified is "Cult", although this was changed for him to be the only character classified as both a "Star" and "Meme".
  • Tommy Wiseau is also one of four characters to first be introduced in Real City, the other three being AVGN, Irate Gamer, and Madotsuki.
  • Tommy Wiseau has a youtube show called "The Tommy Wi-Show".